Citizenship & Passport

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We are determined to help our clients get their international passport and nationality documents.

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Discovering your roots is a very important and truly emotional experience. Once your ancestry has been determined, and your country of origin and ethnicity stated, we provide you with information about your country of origin so that you can start your journey with us to re-connect with your roots and reclaim your rights to citizenship in your country of ancestry. We also provide access to an exclusive online community of others who share the same ancestry with you and also the community of others who also started the journey to find their true identity. we further give you orientations about your ancestry culture and traditions plus all you need to learn about your new identity

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”4867″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row_content_no_spaces” css=”.vc_custom_1588688995909{padding-top: 50px !important;padding-bottom: 50px !important;background-color: #f5f5f5 !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]The ECOWAS passport is a common passport document for some countries in West Africa.


Some (but not all) member states of ECOWAS — the Economic Community of West African States — have implemented the common design for the passport. It was created to facilitate the intra-regional travel of member states’ citizens for periods of a maximum 90 days. The passport can be used within the sub-region and is also recognized for international travel.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]


There are three types of ECOWAS passports:

Ordinary passport
These passports are issued to citizens and are intended for occasional travel, such as vacations and business trips. They contain 32 pages and are valid for 5 years.
Official/Service passport
These passports are issued to officials attached to government institutions who have to travel on official business.
Diplomatic passport
 This is issued to diplomats and consuls for work-related travel, and to their accompanying dependents.
  • Paper size B7 (ISO/IEC 7810 ID-3, 88 mm × 125 mm)
  • 32 pages (passports with more pages can be issued to frequent travelers)
  • The color of cover: green, blue and burgundy (depending on the type of passport)

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The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) itself does not issue passports, but the passports issued by its 15 members share certain design features. These include the green colored cover for ordinary passports, blue colored cover for service passports, and burgundy colored cover for diplomatic passports, as well as common security features and biometrics.

Additional common features include the inscription of the words ECONOMIC COMMUNITY OF WEST AFRICAN STATES (ECOWAS), French: COMMUNAUTE ECONOMIQUE DES ETATS DE L’AFRIQUE DE L’OUEST (CEDEAO), depending on the language of the issuing state. While the emblem of the ECOWAS community is emblazoned on the cover page of some passports, it is possible to notice some ECOWAS passports of certain countries with the respective state’s emblem on the cover instead. The name of the issuing country is usually the only distinguishing factor between passports issued by the various sovereign nations of the sub-region.

Near the bottom of the passport cover, depending on the official language of the issuing state, the words PASSPORT, French: PASSEPORT are inscribed on ordinary passports, OFFICIAL PASSPORT or SERVICE PASSPORT, French: PASSEPORT DE SERVICE on service passports; and DIPLOMATIC PASSPORT, French: PASSEPORT DIPLOMATIQUE on diplomatic passports.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Identification page

The following information is printed on the identification page, in both English and French:

1. Type 2. Code of Issuing State
3. Passport No. 4. Surname
5. Given name(s) 6. Nationality
7. Date of birth 8. Sex
9. Place of birth 10. Date of issue    
11. Date of expiry 12. Authority

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Reclaiming your ancestry is like taking your ancestor back home, it means returning the slave ships of your ancestors back to their lands where they were captured and forced into slavery against their will,
citizenship by descent is the right of every descendant of the children slavery snatched away from mother Africa.
At my beautiful black ancestry, we recognize the need for reconnection and reclaiming your roots so we walk with our clients every step of their journey to recover their rightful place by reclaiming their rights to citizenship to the original country of their ancestors.
We process all documents necessary to put in an application for our client’s passport and we get you reunited with people from your ethnic group and your ancestral clan, let us take you home, your ancestors are calling.


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