There are many amazing spots to explore across the vast continent of Africa. West Africa is a stunning region, and Ghana is located on the Gulf of Guinea. Along with its vibrant people, Ghana is also famous for its picturesque location next to the coast. There are very interesting and enjoyable places to visit in Ghana including  several spots where you may immerse yourself in the country’s unique culture, which will also help you get to know it better and fully appreciate the fantastic experiences it can offer you. Here are all the best places to visit in Ghana to take advantage of its offerings.

10 Best Places To Visit In Ghana

Looking for some nice places to visit in Ghana? We have listed some of the places you can explore during your trip to Ghana in order to know more about the country. 

  • Kokrobite Beach
  • Paga Crocodile Pond
  • Labadi Beach
  • Lake Bosumtwe
  • Accra
  • Kakum National Park
  • Mole National Park
  • Kumasi
  • St. George’s Castle
  • Nzulezu Ghana

Paga Crocodile Pond

Most of us don’t know much about crocodiles since we either fear them or don’t want to come in contact with them. However, this sanctuary was built to house crocodiles, and visitors can see plenty of them here. In fact, the crocodiles living here are exceedingly hospitable to anybody who come to see them.

Visitors can interact closely with and feed the crocodiles. The crocodiles in this area are revered and respected, and it is strictly forbidden to harm any of them. There are usually tour guides on hand to dispel tourists’ unwarranted crocodile phobia. The page crocodile pond is on our list of the best places to visit in Ghana.

Labadi Beach

The most well-liked coastline in Accra, Ghana, is the Labadi beach, which is frequently referred to as the “ideal city beach” by both visitors and locals. In addition to tanning in the sun and lounging on the sands, this place has a ton of local cafés where you can eat fantastic food and drink amazing cocktails. There is a little admission charge required in order to access the beach, which is effectively a part of the nearby hotels’ property.

There will undoubtedly be some local entertainment available if you go on the weekends, such as native drumming, local reggae bands, dancing, and music. The labadi beach is one of the best places to visit in Ghana, to see how the native culture of Ghana combines with hip hop and other Western dance and music forms.

Kokrobite Beach

This place place is yet another beach that will catch your attention when you are in Ghana. People can actually combine their travel since the destination is only 30 KM from Accra. Many people who are interested in the creative part of human existence come to this area to visit the Academy of African Music and Art. One can book the resorts which provide a beautiful view of the beach.

Alternatively, they can go there for a day excursion and take advantage of the lovely beach. Tourists frequently visit this beach resort during the “Homowo” festival, which is held in the month of May. The Kokrobite Beach is one of the best places to visit in Ghana.

Lake Bosumtwe

Lake Bosumtwe, the only natural lake in Ashanti and Ghana, was created when a big meteorite collided with this location, a long time ago. The Ashanti people revere the lake because they believe that after death, people’s spirits visit it to say goodbye to the God Twi. Lake Bosumtwe is a terrific place for adventure in addition to being a place of pilgrimage. The lake, which is about 90 meters deep, is a great place to unwind, go on hikes and treks, have a picnic, ride horses, go bicycling, and indulge in water sports. This is one of the best places to visit in Ghana.


This is the nation’s capital and one of Ghana’s best, most vibrant, most contemporary cities. Due to the city’s two million inhabitants, you will undoubtedly notice how vibrant it is. Accra is home to thriving markets and historic colonial structures. We are confident that you will enjoy yourself while exploring Jamestown and other significant sites in the city.

The Makola Market and the National Museum, both significant to the city’s art and culture, must be seen while in Accra. The beaches, such as Labadi and Coco Beach, should also be visited. In addition to these, Accra is one of the best places to visit in Ghana, because it has a large number of other tourist attractions.

Kakum National Park

Ghana is a biodiverse country with several rare kinds of plants and animals, and its interior is unquestionably one of its most attractive areas. The Kakum national park is one of the best places to visit in Ghana if one wants to see Ghana’s rainforests. It encompasses a huge area in southern Ghana. When visiting this location, visitors can view elephants, buffalo, meerkats, civets, and many different species of birds. One of the main attractions of the national park, the Canopy Walkway, draws lots of visitors. A guided tour is unquestionably necessary for people to get the full picture of the location.

Mole National Park

Another national park that we have on our list is located in Ghana’s northwest, it is Ghana’s largest wildlife park. Visitors can watch a variety of wildlife, such as roan antelope, buffalo, elephants, hyenas, leopards, etc. Occasionally they might see lions. More than 250 different bird species may be found in the park, which is fantastic for bird enthusiasts. If at all possible, try to visit the park from January to March, when it’s dry, to see the majority of the animals when they come to drink. It is considered to be one of Ghana’s top tourist destinations for all the right reasons.


Kumasi was the city that was the former capital of Ghana during the existence of the Ashanti kingdom and it is also the second largest city in the country. As one of The best places to visit in Ghana, Kumasi is bustling with people and sprawling market, Kumasi is a delight to the tourists. The place is famous for its gold jewelry, kente cloth as well as wooden stools. So, people who love to shop will enjoy this place because of the different locations and shops of craft present in the city. The Manhiya Palace Museum is a good place to visit if someone wants to know the history of the Ashanti Kingdom.

St. George’s Castle

 Elmina in Ghana is a fishing town which has the historical St. George’s Castle. It is one of the very few historical places in Ghana that you shouldn’t forget to visit. The castle has whitewashed walls and it was built in 1482 by the Portuguese. It had a dark history because of its association to the slave trade and they were housed in the dungeons that visitors can still see today. While visiting the castle one should also explore the picturesque town and talk to some guides who will explain them the actual history of the place. This is one of the best places to visit in Ghana.

Nzulezu Ghana

This is one of the most unique and beautiful places that are present in Ghana. The name means ‘surface of water’ in English. The houses are built over a lagoon and all of the houses are placed on stilts. This is a place that people should visit to experience the innovation of the village people and their livelihood. These days’ tourists can even spend quality time in the hotels sitting on top of the lagoon. Tourists can enjoy swimming, diving, boating etc. in this place with a beautiful ambiance. Apart from the water and the houses tourists can often spot crocodiles and monkeys while at this place.

So, the above are some of the places to visit in Ghana. All of them are worthy of your time and you should definitely try to visit all of them.  Do include Ghana in your list of countries that you should visit in your lifetime.


This 27 year old, is Art And All That Is Art. Writer, Film and stage actor, Mental Health Lay counselor and show host.

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