Practicing and playing chess for at-least 5 to 7 hours everyday helped put 15 year old Jessica Hyatt on the number one spot amongst the top ten female chess players, earning her the prestigious Daniel Feinberg Succes in Chess Award which comes with a $40,000 college scholarship.

Additionally, Jessica is just a few ranks away from making history as the first Black woman chess master in the world!

“I play whenever I get the chance, like in my free time, like during my classes, like sometimes during classes,” Jessica told CBS News, noting that she plays at least 5 to 7 hours a day.

Jessica is currently a sophomore at Success Academy, a school known for its exceptional chess program. Five years ago, she met her coaches Tyrell Harriott and David Mbonu, who are both National Masters, the highest level in the US.

To become a chess master, a 2,200 ranking must be achieved. Jessica is already at 1,950.

“I learned the game when I was 15, so for Jessica to be at 1,950, that’s a huge edge,” said Harriot.

With that, she is hoping to become the first Black female chess master.

“There has never been a female Black player to break the master ranking and that’s what Jessica is going for,” said Mbonu.

Even with the pandemic, Jessica continues honing her skills by playing chess online. Her mother, Loy Allen, has been very supportive of her daughter and hopes other young children of color get inspired by her story.

“If your kid’s passionate enough about it, have them go for it because the sky’s the limit, right?” said Allen.

Moreover, after achieving her goal of being a chess master, Jessica Hyatt dreams of attending college at MIT and plans to teach chess to other children as well.

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