Morrocco is a country in North Africa. It is bordering the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Morocco is a beautiful country with an ancient collection. Morocco is home to the popular Sahara desert and the beautiful Hassan II Mosque. Tourism in Morocco is beautiful and exciting. In planning a trip to Morocco, it is advisable to research and find out the forbidden things about them.

There are laws that forbids one on executing some plans while on tour. Here are five forbidden things in Morocco.


Moroccan meals are basically traditional meals eaten with hand; these meals are eaten with right hand only. Be cautious when eating, not to use the left hand; as it is considered as unclean. Using left hand to eat may likely cause people to regard you inappropriately or cast a disdainful eye on you.


Morocco major religion is Islamic and as such, dressing in line with their religion and culture is advised. Dressing inappropriately is forbidden. Beachwear, skimpy wears and revealing dresses are not appropriate for touring the cities, towns or villages. Ensure to cover every part of your body when stepping out to the city.


In Morocco, speaking ill of the king or making a jest of him, may get you in jail and keep you in jail for as long as 3 years. While you’re in Morocco, try as much as you can to avoid any topic that involves the defamation of the king or a joke about him.


Morocco is a country, where 95% of her citizens are Muslim. Islam is the national religion in Morocco. Being disrespectful to Islam, asking too many questions, mocking the religion, opinions, discussions and arguments on Islamic topics should be strictly avoided. Do not enter the Mosques, and areas with restrictions to non-muslims.


Taking pictures in Morocco isn’t prohibited but you need to take permission before embarking on such. Places such as the Palace, the Mosque, the government organisations and humans. Take adequate steps and ensure you’re verified before a snap.

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