Famous youtubber/vloger, wife and mother of seven children, Alena Maze has bagged history as the first and only black person to get a Ph.D in survey methodology.  Inspired to pursue a career as a survey statistician because of her passion for math and health, Alena hopes to develop inclusivity in surveys.Alena Maze, Mother Of 7 Makes History as the 1st Black Person to Earn a Ph.D. in Survey Methodology

After Alena Maze earned a Master of Science degree in Mathematics from Georgetown University, she went on to pursue her Ph.D. in Survey Methodology and Statistics from the University of Maryland, College Park.

Then she has just recently shared on Facebook that she has now received her Ph.D. after passing her dissertation defense and that she is the first African American to do so.

“What’s a Survey Methodologist? Well I’m a Survey Statistician, so specifically, I research the math behind surveys,” Maze wrote. “Suppose we want more information on how diabetes affects women ages 30-40, in order to develop better treatment courses. Well in a perfect world, we would like to send out a survey (i.e., a series of questions) to all women ages 30-40 with diabetes. However, this is not practical for many reasons. So instead we chose a smaller group (called a sample), say 2,000 women from that same population to represent the whole population of 30 to 40-year old women with diabetes.”

Super woman Alena Maze

For the past six years, this superwoman has been juggling her doctorate studies with her married life, raising her seven children, and blogging on YouTube.

Alena Maze with her Korean-American husband Joseph Lee, produces content for their YouTube vlogs with their children; where they share their experiences as a multicultural blended family.

The 35-years old, has accomplished a lot of things through her hard work and she also credits God for her success.

“During this time, I encountered God’s love, through a divine meeting with His Holy Spirit in a way I cannot wait to share. His love has been enough for me to manifest anything I desire to do, be or become,” she said.

Fans have watched her in admiration  over the years study for exams even when she is pregnant. Congratulations superwoman!


This 27 year old, is Art And All That Is Art. Writer, Film and stage actor, Mental Health Lay counselor and show host.

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