After he embarked on a trip to Ghana in 2018, American Author, Playwright and Philanthropist Jay Cameron; realized that most of what he had been taught about Africa and the negative stereotypes were not true. His years of schooling and living as an African American in the United States did not adequately educate him about the real Africa; the many cultures, and its people. And he set on a journey to change that narrative for himself and others, and his newly regained citizenship is only the next step.

But before his Ghana trip in 2018, he prepared himself by exploring his African roots, using an DNA kit . And then in late 2018, he was genetically linked directly to the Temne tribe in Sierra Leone. This was the beginning of reclaiming that part of his identity. is a world-renowned genetic testing company with the largest African DNA database; available to the public and has partnered with the government of Sierra Leone to help people of African descent; reclaim a part of their heritage by offering citizenship. This spring, Jay was granted dual citizenship alongside more than 60 new Sierra Leoneans. Black news reports.

Jay Cameron is celebrating his new Sierra Leonean dual citizenship with more projects that will encourage people of African descent; to discover this continent on their own terms.

Back in December 2019, Hollywood actor, Idris Elba was conferred a Sierra leonan citizenship.


This 27 year old, is Art And All That Is Art. Writer, Film and stage actor, Mental Health Lay counselor and show host.

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