For the first time in 20 years, Oprah Winfrey has given up her cover “O Magazine,” to honor the late Breonna Taylor. On Thursday, Oprah unveiled the cover, which features a piece of artwork of Breonna Taylor, created by 24-year-old artist Alexis Franklin.

Oprah shared the cover on her official Instagram account and detailed why it was important to honor Breonna.

She said, “She was just like me. She was just like you. And like everyone who dies unexpectedly, she had plans. Plans for a future filled with responsibility and work and friends and laughter. I think about Breonna Taylor often. Imagine if three unidentified men burst into your home while you were sleeping. And your partner fired a gun to protect you. And then mayhem.”

“What I know for sure: We can’t be silent. We have to use whatever megaphone we have to cry for justice. And that is why Breonna Taylor is on the cover of Oprah O Magazine. The September issue honors her life and the life of every other Black woman whose life has been taken too soon,” said Oprah.

In the issue, which hits stands August 11th, Oprah shares that she spoke with Breonna’s mother, Tamika Palmer, back in July, and at the time she said, “I can’t stop seeing her face. Her smile. It’s what I miss most about her. I still can’t grasp the concept of her being gone. It feels so surreal. I’m still waiting for her to come through the door.”

Oprah continued to express how we need to command that justice is served in Breonna’s case. Two of the three officers responsible for her death are still employed, and none of them have been charged for killing her.

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