Christmas  is just few days away, and in some countries, merry Christmas wishes, isn’t out of place. Everyone is planning; the outfits, the places to visit, vacations, musics that suites the season and of course the meals of the season!

In the course of our planning, we took the meals seriously, simply because, a lot of people complain about Christmas foods and how unhealthy they are, stuffed with calories and can blow one up by the new year!

Funny enough, Christmas foods are not unhealthy. You may want to start by making some research on what suites your system and low calorie foods that won’t blow you up after the big Christmas party eating. But it is pertinent to inform you that “blowing up after Christmas, isn’t the fault of the meals, but on how they consumed.

So we’ve done our research and excited to let you in on our meal plans for Christmas and the best way to consume these meals. Get ready with a pen and pick up some healthy notes.

Here are 4 healthy Afro Sauce that you can switch to, for a lighter Christmas and healthy New Year.

Chicken Stew

Chicken sauce or stew is one of the most important meals to be seen in the black families. Chicken stew is a healthy meal, but we can tweak it a bit, use large fresh tomatoe balls in place of tomato paste. Organic chicken from the farm is just healthy. To avoid using spices that might be too harsh or unhealthy, marinade the meat and store in the fridge for at least 5hours before cooking. Take note of all condiments, spices and seasonings. You might want to switch over to olive oil, and remember to bake more often than frying. Another healthy method of cooking the meat is roasting; you’d have little business with oil. You may want to use more of fresh vegetables; tomatoes, bell pepper, carrots cabbage, to prepare the stew. This chicken stew can be paired with healthy grains; brown rice, acha, or bulgar wheat.

Tofu Sauce

Tofu, also known as bean curd is a food prepared by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into solid white blocks of varying softness; it can be silken, soft, firm, or extra firm. Tofu can simply be called plant based meat. So instead of the traditional beef meat, tofu is a healthier option. Tasty, milky, soft and good for vegetarians.  So try tofu sauce, it’s a meal you’d love to eat every day.  Pair it up with bulgar wheat, sweet potatoes or rice.

Green Leafy Vegetable Sauce

This isn’t a common meal during the festive period but make this Christmas different by trying this sauce. Pumpkin or Spinach is a good leafy vegetable to go with, diced chicken sausage is great, fresh tomatoes and bell pepper add colours to it. This is a whole meal, but you can also pair with a healthy grain or root.

Fish Sauce

This is another substitute for red meat. Mackerel, tilapia, salmon are great sea food for your fish sauce. Marinate and keep in the fridge, until  you’re ready to cook. Since you’re making a fish sauce, you can spice up your sauce with shrimps or prawns. Be careful with seasoning cubes and spices; as you’ve already marinated fish.

So, with these 4 types of sauce, we hope you’d switch up the usual to the unusual and make it a lifestyle.  Also remember,  to eat appropriate; eat when hungry, add fruits to your meals, do not stuff up yourself, make healthy drinks to go with foods.


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