Washington, D.C. – Iam C. Tucker, President and CEO of Integrated Logistical Support, Inc. (ILSI) of Louisiana, has been named the National Small Business Person of the Year for 2024. The prestigious award was presented during the National Small Business Week awards ceremony, a cornerstone event held annually by the United States Small Business Administration (SBA).

Isabel Casillas Guzman, the head of the SBA and a key voice in President Biden’s Cabinet for America’s more than 33 million small businesses, bestowed the honor on Tucker last month. The award recognizes entrepreneurs who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and built sustainable, thriving companies.

“The SBA is proud to recognize 2024 National Small Business Person of the Year Iam C. Tucker, who exemplifies the grit, ingenuity, and determination that define our nation’s entrepreneurs,” Guzman said in a statement. “As a second-generation owner of ILSI, Iam has overseen tremendous business growth over the last 15 years in the engineering field while demonstrating the value of hard work and resourcefulness in ensuring continued resilience. I am honored that the SBA has been a part of her successful and ongoing journey.”

Tucker has led ILSI, a New Orleans-based civil engineering firm specializing in sewage, water, street, and drainage design projects, for over 15 years. During her tenure, she has grown the firm from a modest 9 employees to a robust team of 50, and significantly increased its revenue to more than $2.7 million. Under her leadership, ILSI has secured over 100 contracts from state, local, and federal entities.

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In her acceptance speech, Tucker highlighted the critical role that SBA loan programs and the SBA 8(a) Business Development Program for federal contractors played in her company’s expansion. These programs provided essential financial support and opportunities that facilitated ILSI’s growth and ability to serve a wider range of clients both locally and nationally.

Beyond her impressive business achievements, Tucker’s leadership has been recognized by various organizations. She was nominated and accepted to join the Greater New Orleans Inc. Foundation (GNO), a prominent business development association. Additionally, she earned the title of “Reader’s Choice—Minority Business of the Year” from the Times-Picayune, further acknowledging her contributions to the business community.

Tucker’s journey is a testament to the impact of dedicated leadership and the support of programs designed to foster small business growth. Her success story not only highlights her personal achievements but also underscores the potential of small businesses to drive economic growth and innovation.

As the National Small Business Person of the Year, Tucker’s story will serve as an inspiration to other entrepreneurs, showcasing the possibilities that arise from determination, strategic planning, and leveraging available resources. Her recognition is a fitting tribute to the vital role small businesses play in the American economy and the enduring spirit of entrepreneurship.


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