Channing Bell, a visionary African American woman with over a decade of experience in product management across the technology and oil and gas sectors, has launched a groundbreaking new social media platform called BlackListed. 

This innovative app, now available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, is designed to foster a vibrant community of connection and empowerment specifically for Black individuals, enabling them to network, share experiences, and grow together both personally and professionally.

“Our goal is to create a community where Black individuals can find support, opportunities, and a sense of belonging,” Bell said.

BlackListed aims to provide a safe and nurturing environment where users can connect meaningfully. In future updates, the app plans to offer a variety of features tailored to enhance networking and community-building among its users. These include specialized forums, event listings, mentorship programs, and business opportunities, all curated to strengthen the ties within the Black community.

“BlackListed is more than just a social network; it’s a movement towards more meaningful connections and a testament to the resilience and strength of the Black community,” Bell added. The app’s intuitive design and user-friendly interface make it accessible to users of all ages and backgrounds.

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As BlackListed launches nationwide, it invites members of the Black community to join and start building lasting connections that empower and uplift. The app is free to download and use, making it widely accessible to those looking to enhance their personal and professional lives through community support.

Channing Bell, the founder of BlackListed, brings extensive experience as a seasoned product manager in the tech and oil and gas industries. Her expertise and passion for community building have been integral to designing an app that meets the needs and aspirations of the Black community.

The launch of BlackListed marks a significant step forward in creating a dedicated space for Black individuals to connect, support each other, and grow. With its focus on empowerment and community, BlackListed is set to become an essential tool for fostering unity and strength within the Black community.

For more information, visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to download BlackListed and start connecting with a community that understands and supports your journey.


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