Arnold Nyendwa is a young Zambian inventor, who takes priority in providing innovative solutions to everyday problems; is doing a lot for his country and the African continent which deserves to be promoted.

Arnold Nyendwa

The 23-year old who was born and raised in Petauke, Eastern Province of Zambia is the founder of Venturas Jumpstart; a company which has been reported as the pioneer of stainless steel technology in Zambia; with the young man duly recognized as an inventor of stainless steel stoves in Africa.

Arnold’s decision to invent a stainless steel stove was inspired by two major factors; the first was his concerns about possible respiratory diseases such as asthma; which could be developed through the use of charcoal and other wooden cooking devices. Second factor was the instability of electricity power supply in Zambia; forcing him to invent something with alternative power sources to help resolve that problem.

Apart from the capacity to switch between, electricity, gas and fuel, the stainless steel stove was created with multifunctional features; that gives users wide alternatives to cook, bake, fry, roast, dry, braai, smoke, and warm food items, making it cost-effective.

The 23-year old who also invented other things including a washable mattress has won awards such as; the Global Student Entrepreneur Award, Mwape Peer Awards as the Most Outstanding Entrepreneur with the ceremony held in New York –USA and a third award from the Citibank Micro-entrepreneurship Awards (CMA) after emerging as the ‘2020 CMA Resilient Youth.’

Speaking on the future of his activities, the young achiever stated that; “With my qualification in Development Studies, I’m working on setting up a Consultancy Firm that blends technology with governance; to empower youths with innovative knowledge which they will use to develop Zambia.”
The likes of Arnold Nyendwa who focus on the providing such innovative solutions to societal problems deserve to be supported; and promoted to serve as a good model to the youth and also help create more jobs to reduce youth unemployment on the continent.


This 27 year old, is Art And All That Is Art. Writer, Film and stage actor, Mental Health Lay counselor and show host.

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