Recently, we have been reporting various Novel innovations by young Africans, who, even without the help of funding, have created enormous value from the little they have. In this vain, Mr. Joseph Korley Tetteh, a young Ghanaian draftsman cum engineer; has been building innovative cars, bicycles, etc for years now. The young man who only holds a Junior High School certificate is currently, the chief executive officer of “seek Ye Bikes;” a company under which he produces these items.






He disclosed that his actual work was draftsman but Joseph Korley took a decision to commence the manufacturing of cars and bicycles way back in 2009.

Speaking to a reporter, Joseph Korley who currently built a paddle car stated that, he; “wanted to create something tourists could move around in when they visit our tourist sites and for large facilities or institutions. He added that the Paddle car which has so far gone viral; was made with features similar to a bicycle but it has a steering wheel making it looks and feels like a car.

One of Joseph korley’s bicycle

Due to financial constraints, Joseph does not produce on large scale. He explained that “these are prototypes. So I only manufacture on requests. If I get investors or partners to support financially, I will begin mass production.”




This 27 year old, is Art And All That Is Art. Writer, Film and stage actor, Mental Health Lay counselor and show host.

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