Agriculture is the oldest sustaining and sustainable trade in the world, because humans live basically on food and water. Investing in agriculture has become very popular in recent times; and farming has become a new cool especially amongst young Africans like Samson Ogbole; who have been demonstrating strong interests In Agro-business to help the continent produce enough food for consumption and export.
This key interests has also produced the adoption of modern technological ways of farming which is environmentally friendly; with crops produced across seasons with no direct restrictions.
This young Nigerian, Mr. Samson Ogbole, has adopted an environmentally friendly technological approach to farming; by growing crops in the air. Samson is the founder of Soilless Farms, a company with which he blends technology with Agriculture to produce different types of food crops.
Samson Ogbole
He adopts Aeroponics process to grow the plants in the air. “In soilless growing, what we have been able to do is to remove the soil component; bring in substitutes and on your own, bring in the fertilizer for the plant to grow,” sampton said in an interview with CNN.
According to Samson, this type of farming comes with a lot of advantages including, growing at any time of the year; planting directly in urban areas and cities which helps to reduce costs on middlemen. He added that this process allows farmers to do away with pathogens in soils that sometimes affect plants.
Soilless farming meets the basics of food security
1. Consistency – non seasonal food production
2. Availability – food is present where needed
It is needed
3. Affordability – cheap and predictable prices
4. Healthy
5. Stability #ZeroHunger #foodsecurity #FarmerSamson— Soilless Farm Lab (@sFarmLab) January 10, 2021
The young man is focused on pushing for zero hunger, wellbeing, and combat climate change among other goals which were crafted to promote the achievement and sustainability of some of the major sustainable development goals.
In a bid to spread or share his technological expertise with as many African youth as possible, the young man and his team developed practical courses to help others learn these modern ways of faming.
Mr. Samson Ogbole is highly optimistic in the developmental prowess of Africa, especially in terms of Agriculture. To him, “Africa is innovative and energetic with an undying hope.”