When you think of a place to travel to for a Summer holiday, it is quite difficult to think of the Democratic Republic of Congo, except you have prior knowledge about the country. There is a lot to see and do in the Democratic Republic of Congo such as visiting the Virunga National Park to see the gorillas.

In this article, we bring you a few things you can do in the DRC this Summer.

Meet the Congo bloodhounds

The Virunga National Park is usually under attack by poachers who seek to hunt the already endangered gorilla species. This is why the handlers of the park have gotten themselves some bloodhounds trained to a manhunt by Dr. Marlene Zahner, the bloodhound expert. As a visitor, you can visit the bloodhounds, watch their training session, and even hear about the training program.

See the orphaned gorillas at Senkwekwe

Mountain Gorilla Center at Senkwekwe is the only one of such facilities in the world. It was designed to care for gorillas that have faced victimization from poachers as well as animal traffickers. It was set up in 2010 from donations from organizations around the world and soon after the first orphaned gorilla was brought in. The location is seen as perfect because of the surrounding forest and amazing wildlife.

Hike on the Rwenzori Mountains

These mountains are set right at the border between the DRC and Uganda. The Mountains of the Moon are the highest peak in DRC at 5,109 meters which happens to be the only place glaciers can be found in Africa. You have to come with your climbing gear as the park is yet to provide such for hikers.

Relax at Tchegera Island

This island is located at the northern shore of the famous Lake Kivu. The Tchegera Camp is the only sign of life on the emerald-green oasis. You can enjoy swimming in the crocodile-free waters, watching the diversity of birdlife, and lay back and watch the twinkling stars.

There is a lot more to see when you visit the Democratic Republic of Congo. Check it out this summer for a great holiday with your loved ones.

See also:
The happiest countries in Africa
DRC: Tshisekedi has pledged to free political prisoners
Virunga is reopened for tourist activities
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