Col (rtd) Charles Engola, Uganda’s State Minister for Labour, Employment, and Industrial Relations, was assassinated.

Engola was shot by his bodyguard at his home in Kyanja, a Kampala suburb, on Tuesday morning.

The bodyguard committed suicide with the same gun he used to shoot the minister.

The incident was confirmed by the Kampala Metropolitan Deputy Police spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigire.

“Yes. Go to Kyanja, there is a shooting. A soldier has shot his boss,” Owoyesigire told the Monitorphone.

Uganda’s Speaker of Parliament Anita Among also confirmed the minister’s death while presiding over the plenary session Tuesday morning.

“This morning, I received sad news that Hon Engola has been shot by his bodyguard. May his soul rest in peace. That was God’s plan.  We can’t change anything,” Ms Among said.

The scene of crime was cordoned off by security personnel.

Gender Minister Betty Amongi was among the government officials who already arrived at Engola’s home in Kyanja after learning about the shooting.

“The guard said he hadn’t been paid Ush4 million. He said he had a pregnant woman and his children were not going to school yet the minister’s children were schooling,” an eyewitness said.

Security personnel have cordoned off the crime scene. The minister’s body remains at the location where he was shot. The shooter’s body was also still in the salon where he allegedly shot himself at the time of publication.

Betty Amongi, the Gender Minister, is among the government officials who have already arrived at Engola’s home in Kyanja.
“The guard said he hadn’t been paid Shs4m.He said he had a pregnant woman and his children were not going to school yet the minister’s kids were schooling,” an eyewitness said.


This 27 year old, is Art And All That Is Art. Writer, Film and stage actor, Mental Health Lay counselor and show host.

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