The COVID-19 Vaccine debate has remained a controversy, with many speculations concerning the safety of the vaccine. There has been uproars on opinions concerning black people having to take the vaccines first; which was recently opined by Melinda Gates; as we preciously reported.

Well, according to Eyegambia; The President of Republic of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo assured the citizenry of the possibility of the country procuring a vaccine very soon.

The President made this revelation during the 20th update; on the measures his government has taken so far towards the management of coronavirus.
“Ghana, I assure you, is not going to be left behind in having access to the vaccines.” The President stated.

He added that his government has put together a team of experts from the relevant agencies and institutions; who are working assiduously towards the deployment and procurement of the vaccines.

He admitted however that, he is aware of the anxieties relating to the safety and efficacy of newly-developed vaccines but assured that; his “government will ensure that the COVID-19 vaccines to be deployed in the country are effective and safe.”


This 27 year old, is Art And All That Is Art. Writer, Film and stage actor, Mental Health Lay counselor and show host.

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