The Addai-Opoku triplets, Mariah, Mercy, and Samuel, have distinguished themselves as top achievers in their academic journey, graduating at the top of their class at Hinkley High School in Aurora, Colorado. The siblings not only secured spots in the top ten of their graduating class but also earned associate degrees from Aurora Community College.

Mariah attributed their success to their close-knit family bond, stating, “There’s nothing stronger than family love and sibling love,” as reported by KCNC.

Their parents, Kwasi and Margaret Addai-Opoku, originally from Ghana, moved to Colorado in the 1990s to start a family, unaware of the remarkable future that awaited them. Margaret recalled the surprise of learning she was expecting triplets: “First, we thought it was twins, then, at 24 weeks, that’s when we found out it was triplets and it was a shock.”

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The triplets faced challenges early on, particularly during their transition from home to school. On their first day, their teacher had to call Margaret because the children wouldn’t stop crying. However, they quickly adapted, earning the respect and affection of their teachers and peers.

In addition to their academic prowess, the siblings are also athletic and balanced their studies with work. Despite heading to different colleges, they plan to stay connected and continue supporting one another, drawing motivation from their parents’ emphasis on education.

“They always just told us that education is power. When you have education, you can do whatever you want,” Mariah remarked.

The Addai-Opoku triplets have declared their intention to maintain their strong familial bond and mutual encouragement as they embark on their college careers.


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