Arriving  just in time for Black History Month, is the most definitive history of Black people and their contributions to the world, according to the author. For the author, this book does not only focus on the development of civilization; but the contribution of the Black race to the advancement of Humans. The book is titled: The Clan of Southern Man: And the Origin of Black Culture; and is written by a cultural historian John Valentine. The author takes the reader on an amazing journey through time and untold history.


Valentine’s view on His Book

Valentine says that his book is the first and only book to trace the history of Black people back to the beginning of the human line; which is over 200,000 years ago.

Using the latest scientific and genetic data available, The Clan of Southern Man claims to conclusively prove that not only were Blacks the first humans on earth, but they invented many of the tools, processes, social systems, arts, and sciences that led to human civilization; long before there were any other “races” on the planet.

Amidst those contributions was the development of the clan organization (extended family); which helped ancient humans survive for thousands of years under trying conditions in the Motherland; and later left the continent and differentiates into the many subspecies we are today.

According to Professor Reginald Martin, M.F.A., Ph.D. who happens to be the book’s editor and full professor of English at the University of Memphis said that This is no usual history of Blacks onto these shores of misery but it is instead a history of the earth and the place of Blacks in it. Where they come from; whom they have always been, and where they are going if they are not careful and do not listen to Valentine.”

Valentine said  that “His book is also the first to tell the story of the so-called “African Eve,” the black woman who lived about 200,000 years ago; more than 10,000 generations ago.”

He argues that this unheralded black woman has genetically been proven to be the ancestor of all humans living today.

About the Book

John Valentine’s book is a total indictment of racism practiced against him and his people.

Valentine tells a gut-wrenching, emotional story of growing up in poverty in the rural south, and how a racist system; limited his achievements and stymied his growth as a man and a human being.

The Clan of Southern Man has received glowing reviews and comes at an critical time in Black History.

It lays out a clear and workable blueprint for a renewed, reinvigorated, and redirected fight against systemic racism; and bolsters the fight for economic and social justice for Blacks worldwide.

The author believes it is this disconnection from their true history and accomplishments; that serves as the biggest setback to their effort to regain their proper place in human history.

The Clan of Southern Man is a book anyone who cares about Black History must add to their library. To learn more and purchase this game-changing book go to the publisher’s website at

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