According to various local media outlets, Myles Cosgrove, a former Louisville police officer who shot and killed Breonna Taylor in March 2020, has returned to the force in a nearby county.

The Carroll County Sheriff’s Office, located about an hour northeast of Louisville, recently hired Cosgrove, according to Chief Deputy Rob Miller on Saturday according to The Courier Journal.

“We think he will help reduce the flow of drugs in our area and reduce property crimes,” Miller said. “We felt like he was a good candidate to help us in our county.”

Miller also stated that Myles Cosgrove had nearly two decades of police experience. The Carroll County Sheriff’s Office declined to comment on NPR’s request.

Both Louisville and Carroll County have expressed concern about the hiring.

Cosgrove’s return to the police force, according to Chanelle Helm, the lead organizer of Black Lives Matter Louisville, demonstrated the impunity often afforded to law enforcement.

“The way in which he can go and get a job in the same field should be illegal. For a typical citizen, we aren’t able to re-enter certain fields, if we’re fired from them. That carries with you,” she told member station WFPL.

Myles Cosgrove was one of seven officers involved in the deadly raid inside Taylor’s apartment in the middle of the night. Police, who came to serve a no-knock search warrant, barged in — startling Taylor, a 26-year-old ER technician, and her boyfriend. Believing the officers were intruders, Taylor’s boyfriend fired a single shot at them. Officers returned 32 shots, half of which were fired by Cosgrove. Two of his rounds struck Taylor.

An FBI ballistics report later showed that it was Cosgrove’s bullets that killed her, according to WFPL.


This 27 year old, is Art And All That Is Art. Writer, Film and stage actor, Mental Health Lay counselor and show host.

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