Several rural areas in Kenya face a problem of poor transportation. Most of these rural areas are recognized as the top farming towns in Kenya. It is no news that public office holders siphon funds meant for handling such projects into their private accounts. Consequently, such projects run at a very slow pace or never get completed at the end of the day.

Mr. Nicholas Muchami (

A Kenyan man has beaten all odds and taken upon himself the burden of saving his people from walking a 4-kilometer long route which leads them to a shopping center. He goes by the name Nicholas Muchami and he is regarded by the people of Kaganda village or Muranga County as their hero. Contrary to what you might think, Muchami is no millionaire neither did he receive payment for his work on the road.

This hero works odd jobs during the day and at night he works as a watchman. He only took on this task because his people needed it so bad. His tools are not a tractor or any of such high tech tools, he only uses a hoe, a spade, and an axe. He has already cleared 1.5km of the road, a task which he completed in a shocking six days. He has about half a kilometer left to complete his quest for a better road for the people of Kaganda village.

The road by Muchami (

While speaking to Peter Mwai of the BBC in an interview, Muchami said his people really needed the road and since the leaders failed to fix he decided to take up the task as he had the energy to do so. He went on to state that several times the villagers asked him if he was being paid for his efforts.

Till now, no one has paid him for his work but this has not deterred him in any way as he is determined to complete his task for the good of his people. He is making a huge difference amidst all of the poor leadership and corruption.

See also:

Kenyan teacher wins $1 million global teacher’s award
Strike called off and Kenya’s main airport resumes operations
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