If we didn’t know better we would have said the shocking revelations embedded in the Lifetime documentary series, Surviving R. Kelly have become good business for the singer.

According to Nielsen Music, since the airing of the series on the first weekend of the year, the number of streams the singer has gathered has significantly increased. The series brought us interviews and details of the sexual abuse allegations leveled against Kelly.

R. Kelly (blackamericaweb.com)

On January 2, Kelly’s streaming numbers stood at 870,316 times, this practically doubled a few days later. After the airing of the sixth and final episode, his streaming numbers had risen to 1.73 million times.

The final week of 2018 saw Kelly amass 955,600 streams on the average, a figure which skyrocketed to 1.5 million between January 3 and 6.

For several years the singer has been accused of sexual harassment and being a pedophile. Accusations he has vehemently denied and hasn’t been convicted for.

See also:
R. Kelly’s daughter breaks silence over Surviving R. Kelly documentary
Surviving R. Kelly: Several artistes denounce the embattled singer
R. Kelly’s brother talks about how they were molested by their sister
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