It’s no fluke considering the decriminalization of cannabis in the some Caribbean countries, and legalization in others, including 11 states in the US, Jay-Z is entering the fast-growing business.

The billionaire-rapper is taking up the role of Chief Brand Strategist with a privately-owned California company Caliva.

The billionaire said he got in touch with the company after searching for a suitable partner in the promising industry. In a statement posted on Caliva’s website, he said he wants to do anything he lays his hands on correctly and at the highest level.

“Anything I do, I want to do correctly and at the highest level,” he said in a statement posted on Caliva’s website. “With all the potential in the cannabis industry, Caliva’s expertise and ethos make them the best partners for this endeavor.

“We want to create something amazing, have fun in the process, do good and bring people along the way.”

Caliva on the other hand said, Jay-Z will help in creative decisions and fostering awareness. There is a lot of social work to be done in this partnership especially in shaping the way people view the product. Consumers need to feel free to use cannabis, how, when and where they want – together they can achieve that.

Jamaica, St. Kitts and Trinindad and Tobago are among the Caribbean countries to decriminalize cannabis in that bloc. A decision which will in no small measure influence how much of the product can be legally available.

You may also read: US lawmakers look to legalize pot in ‘historic’ marijuana reform hearing

Jay-Z joins celebrities Snoop Dogg and Whoppi Goldberg to be invested in the cannabis industry. Legalization of the product has as of today spread to 11 States in the US.


See also:


Hawaii legalizes recreational use of cannabis
Africa must move beyond colonial anti-cannabis laws to develop a $7 billion Industry

Trinidad and Tobago joining other Caribbean Countries; set to decriminalize Marijuana

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