A court in Uganda’s Jinja City has denied bail to six men accused of having gay sex on video.

The court heard that the 17-second video went viral on social media.

On Tuesday, the court ruled that the men, aged 20 to 26, should be detained for their own safety.

The men were charged with indecency.

The judge denied their bail because they would be unsafe in the community. On May 10, their case will be heard in court.

“It is our mandate as the court to protect the accused persons. Releasing them to a biased society cannot guarantee their safety, so prison is their safe place,’’ the judge ruled.

The prosecution team claims that the suspects are part of a network that is grooming young boys into acts of sodomy and recruiting male adults into gayism.

The prosecution further claims that the men were arrested while recording pornographic and sex videos ‘which they usually share with other parties for money.’

The same court, on April 4, charged a senior teacher and her alleged lesbian partner with indecency and procuring gross indecency. They were remanded until April 20.


This 27 year old, is Art And All That Is Art. Writer, Film and stage actor, Mental Health Lay counselor and show host.

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