It’s understandable for every sista to look forward to meeting Michelle Obama or attending her events, what is unusual is when public funds are allocated for such a venture. This is exactly the case of Lyndia Thomas and Beckie Hayes, Mayor of Forest Hill, Texas and her pro tem respectively.

Both women recently resigned following allegations leveled against them stating that they requested a refund from the City purse of $500 each which they spent in attending a Michelle Obama event in Dallas, Texas. Hayes, in a statement, after she had presented her letter to the city council, said, she would rather resign than leave her fate to certain individuals. She rubbished the allegations saying they were false and baseless.

Forest Hill leaders resign over Michelle Obama ticket controversy (

Forest Hill is one city whose leadership is dominated by black women. This alone creates a strong argument as to whether it is appropriate to use public funds to attend an event that could probably bring about a one-on-one connection to Michelle Obama.

Asides this incident, there have however been reports of misappropriation of funds, though still speculations based on poor records and expenditure that weren’t approved by the council. Both women have vowed to run for office again in May so it is clear they are not leaving politics for now.

See also:
Barack Obama, Beyonce, and other celebs wish Michelle Obama a happy birthday
Michelle Obama and Stacey Abrams, Models of Power for Black Women
Meghan Markle and Michelle Obama met secretly in London

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