The latest “Happiest countries in the world” rankings are out. This is the seventh in the series and this time 156 countries were ranked based on the happiness levels. The ranking was carried out by the United Nations in collaboration with US analytics company, Gallup.

Criteria used in the rankings include wealth, trust, healthy life expectancy, freedom, generosity, and social support. All of these are seen as major with respect to the well-being of any individual. In Africa, Mauritius topped the charts and in this article, we bring you all the countries in Africa’s top ten in how they appear.


Mauritius is number 1 in Africa even though it sits at number 57 in the global rankings. The country has a very low corruption index and has experienced geometric growth economically in the last few years.


Libya moved down two paces from last year’s 70th. It is now 72nd happiest country in the world, ahead of Croatia, Greece, Turkey, and Bulgaria. This makes Libya number 2 in Africa.


Despite the security challenges and downturn experienced in the economy Nigeria moved up from last year’s 91st to 85th the happiest country in the world. Several factors have contributed to their happiness over the last year include physical health, social interaction, personal security, and religion.


Algeria sits at number 88 in the world and number 4 in Africa. The country is one of the African countries experiencing an upswing in their economy.


Another North African country which comes in right behind Algeria in 89th position in the world. happiness in this country is owed to GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, low dystopia, and social support.


Cameroon sits globally at the 96th position despite the Anglophone crisis rocking the nation. The country definitely fares better than most other African countries by this ranking.


This West African country has moved upwards from 108th to 98th as the country is experiencing great advancement in several aspects of the economy.

Ivory Coast

Two years ago, Ivory Coast sat at 127th but being a very optimistic country, they have been able to move up to 99th in the latest rankings.


The country has moved forward in great leaps to become one of the happiest countries in Africa. The country is 102nd in the world and it owes this to a change in government, protection of democratic freedom, and security.

Congo Brazzaville

This country which has gained happiness tremendously from stability and security sits at 103rd on the global rankings.

See also:
Unusual African traditions
Disturbing ways male African slaves were sexually abused
South African doctors perform groundbreaking middle-ear surgery
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