Video Streaming Giant, Netflix has finally fulfilled its commitment to addressing systemic racism in the United States; by shifting 2 percent of its cash holdings; which is $100 million, to Banks that support Black/African American communities in the U.S., the company announced on Wednesday.

Netflix announced that its cash was fully allocated to six financial institutions; Hope Credit Union, the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (Lisc); The Change Company, Enterprise Community Impact Note, OneUnited Bank and Calvert Impact Capital’s Community Investment Note.

The ultimate goal was ensuring more home and small-business loans are distributed in Black communities; especially those impacted by the Covid 19 pandemic.

“Because we pegged our commitment to 2 percent of Netflix’s cash, the investment also grows overtime [sic]. So we will be ‘topping up’ our commitment at the end of the year and moving more cash; over and above the $100 million already committed — into these institutions,” Netflix’s Aaron Mitchell and Shannon Alwyn wrote in a post.

Netflix, in making its original pledge, in June 2020, said directing cash to Black owned banks supporting the African American community would help end the; “capital isolation” those communities faced and the multigenerational racial wealth gap directly impacting many African American families.

Netflix also argued that Black-owned or -led banks comprised only 1 percent of commercial banking assets in the U.S.; helping to explain why 19 percent of Black families faced either negative wealth or had no assets for support in hard times.

“It’s been rewarding to see … the impact these changes have had for people like Dominique Lumpkin; who just bought her first home in Memphis. Or Colby Midget, who kept the doors open to her floral shop despite the toll of the pandemic,” the Netflix executives added.



This 27 year old, is Art And All That Is Art. Writer, Film and stage actor, Mental Health Lay counselor and show host.

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