Jamarcus Glover, the ex-boyfriend of Breonna Taylor, an EMT from Kentucky, has been taken into custody on charges related to drug trafficking. According to CBS WLKY, Jamarcus Glover, along with unidentified individuals, was involved in the trafficking of drugs, including heroin and fentanyl, from a residence in the Taylor Berry area of Kentucky. Disturbingly, it is alleged that Glover employed minors to transport and distribute the illicit substances.

During a search of the premises where Glover was present, law enforcement officers uncovered a significant quantity of narcotics, along with several firearms. Additionally, drug packaging equipment was also found. Consequently, Jamarcus Glover has been charged with various offenses, including conspiracy to traffic drugs, unlawful transactions with a minor, engaging in organized crime, and possession of a handgun as a convicted felon.

It is worth noting that Jamarcus Glover was the primary target of the raid at Breonna Taylor’s apartment, which tragically resulted in her death. On the night of March 13, 2020, Louisville police knocked on Taylor’s door, forcibly entered the premises, and Taylor’s current boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, fired a single shot in self-defense, believing the intruders to be burglars. In response, the police unleashed a barrage of 32 shots, fatally striking Taylor multiple times.

In the aftermath of the shooting, Glover made statements asserting that Taylor had no involvement in his drug operations and had merely held money for him as a favor. The deaths of Taylor and George Floyd sparked widespread protests both nationally and globally, fueling the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement and calls to defund the police.

However, despite initial budget cuts to police departments in various cities and municipalities, many of these reductions were later reversed due to escalating crime rates and economic concerns.


This 27 year old, is Art And All That Is Art. Writer, Film and stage actor, Mental Health Lay counselor and show host.

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