Africa boasts of over a thousand ethnic groups, each with its own tradition and culture. Such is the case of the little town of Dove which lies on the road to Accra around the Volta Region of Ghana. Dove is one of the most unique villages you will ever come across in your lifetime, majorly because of its special traditions.

Dove is home to over 4,000 inhabitants and records have it that none of them was born in the town. Surprised? Well, you are about to find out why. Just like every other ethnic group, the tradition of this town has been passed down from generation to generation via storytelling by the elders. The elders said the town was established by a hunter known as Togbe Gbewofia Akiti.

When he entered the town he heard the voice of the gods from the sky giving him certain conditions which he must abide by if he and his people were to inhabit the land. The conditions include children cannot be born within the town, animals cannot be reared, and dead bodies cannot be buried within the city as well.

The people of this town have taken pride in their tradition for ages even though everyone else can hardly see any reason why they should. As soon as you step into the town you notice that there are no animals roaming about, except maybe few birds flying above chirping away. Raising animals in Dove is a taboo, the people can, however, bring in animals which must be slaughtered that day.

Childbirth has been a major challenge for the people of Dove since pregnant women have to travel to nearby villages to give birth. Most women leave the town when they have between one and two months left before delivery. There are cases when some women have given birth in the town, the elders consequently carried out rituals to cleanse the land.

A maternity home was constructed on the outskirts of the town in April 2018 to alleviate traveling problems encountered by the women. This has brought joy to the hearts of the women as they no longer have to travel far on motorbikes to give birth.

Finally, when you walk the length and breadth of Dove town, you won’t see a single grave. When someone dies, the body is taken to neighboring villages to be buried. Dove is a very unique town which reminds us of the diversity and uniqueness of African culture and traditions.

See also:
The influence of African culture on Caribbean wedding traditions
Unusual African traditions
African myths that will leave you stunned
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