Weddings in Africa are a big deal. Colorful, beautiful, delicious food filled, lots of drumming and dancing, plus most times extravagant display of wealth are associated with weddings in Africa. However, marriage ceremonies differ in the different parts of Africa.

The method and rituals of marriage ceremonies in different countries in Africa vary; here are some facts about marriages and weddings ceremonies from six African countries.

Weddings In Africa



Ethiopian weddings take place over two days. The first day is the Western wedding and the second day the Traditional wedding; where the bride will braid her hair, have African symbols Henna tattooed on her hands, and wear traditional attire.


Tunisian weddings are a seven-day feast that will showcase the wealth, charm and beauty of the bride and groom. I guess Tunisian weddings are a sort of tourist attraction.



Ghanaian weddings includes a “knocking” ceremony; where the groom, with the father and elder family members, knocks around the bride’s house to announce their relationship intentions.

South Africa 

In South Africa, traditionally a groom has to pay “lobola,” or a dowry, to the father of the bride in order to ask for her hand in marriage. This normally is in the form of cattle.


In Kenya, as part of the ceremony, the father of the bride or brother will spit on the bride’s head as a blessing.



In some parts parts of Namibia, a bride will be accepted into a family after they first “kidnap” her before the ceremony; and dress her in a leather marriage headdress with beautiful jewels. After the ceremony, she will be taken to her father’s house where she will be told about her responsibilities as a wife before being anointed with butterfat from cows.


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