Shatu Garko made history on Friday after she was crowned the 44th Miss Nigeria in a beauty contest held in Lagos. Besides being the youngest among the 17 finalists, Shatu also happens to be the first hijab wearing model to win this crown.
This win is a dream come true for the 18 year old go getter. She had this to say in her acceptance speech, “Winning this competition means a lot to me. I have always wanted to be a Miss Nigeria. I’d like to thank Miss Nigeria and its sponsors. I would also like to thank my mum for supporting and loving me.”
Shatu who is passionate about fighting culture and religion as a barrier to one’s dream hails from Kano state, Nigeria. With this win Shatu will be given a brand new car, ambassadorship opportunities and a one year residency at a luxury apartment of her choice as well as a Niom.
The history of Miss Nigeria beauty contest
Miss Nigeria beauty contest is an annual event that aims to portray the positive attributes of a Nigerian woman. Started in 1957 the contest awards scholarships to the winner who is mandated to be an exemplary example to the other women. Miss Nigeria beauty context is organized annually by Daily Times Nigeria.