Seems rapper and business mogul/presidential candidate Kanye West has plans to build a city in Haiti, a city he calls “city of the future” shortly after his visit to Haiti. This is coming after Singer Akon has already commenced work on his Wakanda City in Africa.
Kanye West recently sat down with @joerogan for a 3-hour conversation. Together, the pair discussed everything from why Kanye decided to run for president, his recent trip to Haiti, president Jovenel Moise giving him & his business partners an island to develop, and more.
— Lunionsuite
(@LunionSuite) October 26, 2020
Following a trip to Haiti in September alongside Iranian-American venture capitalist Shervin Pishevar, rapper and fashion designer Kanye Westrevealed the president of the Caribbean island has given them a portion of Tortuga/Turtle Island to develop into a “city of the future.”
Touching on the subject during an interview on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast over the weekend, the 43-year-old explained how the project would benefit locals on the island.
“We go to Haiti and the president gives us this island to develop; to make it a city of the future,” Kanye said. “We’re gonna have the farmers and the people that live there take ownership of the land they have right now so when it raises in value, they all eat.”
West’s announcement of their partnership with president Jovenel Moïse and his government, however, did not sit down well with some people on social media, prompting him to clarify the details of the agreement on his Twitter page on Tuesday, GQreports.
“Just to be CLEAR: WE ARE IN ENGAGED WITH HAITI’s GOVERNMENT to make a transformational INVESTMENT to bring JOBS, DEVELOPMENT, HELP SUPPORT LOCAL FARMERS and FISHERMEN and Build a new « CITY OF THE FUTURE » in a very beautiful country,” he tweeted.