We love to share recipes of various Afro multicultural cuisines, to celebrate the rich and delicious variety of food and drinks from the motherland and the motherland diaspora. This week on our Afro Cuisine recipe is Ranovola, the refreshing burnt rice tea of Madagascar.
Ranovola is a toasty-tasting drink which is popular in Madagascar where the bottom of the rice pot is reserved to flavor the local river water.

For this drink, all you need is a cup of long grain white rice and water.
Ingredients for Ranovola
- 1 cup white rice , cooked
- 8 cups boiling water
Start with a cup of cooked rice spread on the bottom of a saucepan.
Heat over medium until it begins to smell toasty.
Continue scraping and turning the rice… Until the whole rice rattles and clacks as you move it, like a cup of popcorn kernels.
Add on plenty of hot water and let steep until cooled.
Once cooled, strain out the rice and serve over ice.
Recipe: @globaltableadventure