Taking a human live is a terrible situation; it becomes heartbreaking when the blacks are always perturbed of the unknown or who is the next on the list to be murdered!
The blacks have constantly faced racist intimidation and it’s infuriatingly heartbreaking to know that black lives do not matter to most of these people. It is so surprising on how one can be indifferent to ending a life; the boldness is alarming.
27-year-old Martika Ferguson has been murdered in Oklahoma. According to FoxNews, Martika was killed in an alleyway by a 30-year-old white man named Shane Dale Perosi.
SWAT and detectives raided Perosi’s home and found all the evidence they needed to connect him to the killing. When he was interviewed by police he had no remorseful feelings about what he did and why he did it.
During an interview with detectives, Perosi “confessed he shot and killed Ferguson” and said he did so “to teach her a lesson,” according to police.
When Perosi was booked at the Garfield County Detention Facility, he “again reiterated he had murdered Ferguson and said he was glad he’d done so,” the statement said.
When it was all said and done Perosi has been charged with first-degree murder, possession of a firearm after a former felony conviction, and destruction of evidence.
We sincerely hope he the law takes it’s full course, and right on time.
The black lives truly matters!