Barack Obama was nicknamed “no drama Obama” while in office as POTUS and it was easy to see why. Ordinarily, the office of the POTUS is one of the pressure-laden offices in the world so it was amazing to see the ex-president handle all of the pressure with so much calm.
Obama spoke about his nickname and handling the pressure of the office when he spoke to the attendees of a conference organized in Utah by a software company, Qualtrics. According to Obama, he has an even temperament which helped him balance things out in office even if there were times when he was tempted to lose his cool.
He went ahead to share how he was able to perform better during his second term because of “shedding of fear.” He also said that coming in contact with so many huge problems have helped him stay calm and dispel any fear of making mistakes. Barack Obama went on to say that he was never bothered about punditry or poll numbers, instead, he was more interested in creating a better country.
Finally, he said he was never interested in following what was said about him on social media or the news, regardless of it being positive or negative.