We stumbled upon a page on facebook that focuses on the preservation of African Spirituality, Especially the Yoruba God, “Ogun”. Templo de Ogun is a Brazilian page, yet so intune with the preservation of the Yoruba Ancestry. Thousands of Yoruba people where shipped to Brazil and they took their culture and spirituality which is still largely present in Brazil, with them.
The poem has been translated to English from the native Salvadorian Spanish.
Oh, it had to be… it’s the’s son!
No way.
Strong personality,
Authentic Creative and sincere,
Step of tranquility
For an attack of fury.
I’m from Ogun.
Curiosity Oh,
My curiosity…
She’s the one who takes my things
And makes me discover paths on my own.
I’m from Ogun.
Warrior Warrior
Don’t throw inside
What has already been taken by the wind.
Ira is my last name,
You can call me Ogun-Ira!
Unable to forgive an offense.
Changes attracts me,
Same routine bothers me
Love reciprocal is always welcome,
But please…
Without much attachment
When it’s not the time yet
To engage body and soul,
I’m from Ogun.
Brave haha…
Very brave.
Willing to what you give and come.
Really chest!!
Or simply Ogun!
Warrior who doesn’t lose a battle!