Set in Peckham, London, the story follows Esso, who is caught in a deadly feud and on the verge of expulsion when he realizes he has an unexpected gift; access to a world where he can see glimpses of the past and the future. A generation away, Rhia is walking to football practice in 2035; unaware that the mysterious stranger she’s about to meet desperately needs her help to avert a bullet fired fifteen years ago.
The Upper Room is Fadugba’s debut and is set to be the first in a series of novels from the writer. Kaluuya is one of the film adaptation’s producers; with Fadugba acting as executive producer on the project.
Daniel Kaluuya will produce and star in the new Netflix film THE UPPER WORLD.
Adapted from the upcoming debut contemporary sci-fi novel by physicist-turned-author Femi Fadugba, the story follows Esso, a young man who can see glimpses of the past and the future.
— NetflixFilm (@NetflixFilm) August 13, 2020
With Netflix bringing the film adaptation to audiences around the world, I’m excited about the impact the story can have,”; said Togo-born Nigerian-British Fadugba. “I’d love to one day see teachers putting the book on their summer reading lists. I’d love to help create a world where when people talk about the new Cardi B, Giggs or C.S song, they mention the ideas in The Upper World as part of the culture as well.”
The trailer for the highly-anticipated film Judas and the Black Messiah, in which Daniel Kaluuya plays the late Black Panther revolutionary Fred Hampton, dropped last week. The film also stars LaKeith Stanfield and was co-produced by Ryan Coogler. Previously Kaluuya starred in the blockbuster movie Queen & Slim.