Jamila McCaskill merely needed a break from her “tough day.” She started playing the lottery online to unwind, and when she won $100,000, that frown was completely turned upside down. McCaskill recently kept $71,750 of her Michigan Lottery winnings after taxes, according to the neighborhood publication Centre Daily Times. She intends to use the money to pay off her mortgage and other debts.

According to a press statement from the Michigan Lottery on February 1, Jamila McCaskill won the jackpot while using their mobile app. When another game attracted Jamila’s attention and she went in to play the Daily Spin to Win game, it later filled her wallet.
“I was having a tough day and took a break to relax,” Jamila said. Adding, “As I was scrolling through the different games, Diamond Payout caught my eye, so I started playing. On only my second spin, the screen lit up, and I knew I had won a prize.”
Jamila McCaskill hasn’t offered details on what was causing her ‘tough day,’ but the winnings seem to have alleviated her in some form.
“When I saw the prize amount of $100,000, I couldn’t believe it. This is by far the largest prize I have ever won, and it feels amazing.”
According to Michigan Lottery’s press release, Jamila is just one of over 1 million players registered to play their online games. The platform launched in 2014. It offers more than 175 games and allows plays from five cents to $20.
Participants also have the opportunity to play some of the lottery’s most-known games, such as Powerball, Mega Millions, Lucky for Life, Lotto 47, and Fantasy 5.