Tuesday saw America get her first African-American Attorney as Letitia James was elected into office as the number one lawyer in New York. She comfortably beat the Republican Keith Wofford to the seat of Attorney General of New York.

Currently Letitia James is serving as the Public Advocate of New York and she amassed 80.3 percent of the total vote to Keith Wofford’s 17.8 percent. This is after 30 percent of the precincts were counted. Donovan Richards who chairs the Public Safety Committee and is also a member of the City Council made a statement saying, “This is historic. This is pride — to see someone who’s come up through the ranks from our community and who our community knows and really adores and loves. Tish has not only been a voice on the issues, but someone that people really consider family.”

Donovan further said, “This is a big moment for the African-American community, for the black community – not just in New York City but in New York State.” Letitia James is no stranger to making history as she had previously won the public advocate’s race to become the first black woman to be elected into citywide office. In September she topped this by being the first black woman to be nominated for a statewide office.
Since winning the primaries James has announced that she will target issues such as investigating E-cigarette companies, eliminate cash bail, protection of State water from harmful toxins, and widen the scope of litigation against opioid makers among others.
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