Bisi is the daughter of the famous Igbo Mogul, Chief Maigari Odumegwu, the Great grandson of Nigeria’s First Billionaire, from the then Region known as the East of The Niger River.
His father Arinze Odumegwu was the largest Share holder of the now Defunct Nigeria Airways.
Chief Maigari Odumegwu’s mother was a Hausa Woman from Kaduna state, his father married the daughter of one of his business associates from the north. Born into affluence Maigari Odumegwu went ahead to build a multi-billion dollar Business conglomerate which includes Airlines.
Bisi Odumegwu is his only daughter. As a little girl, she was fascinated by the piety of the Nuns in the monasteries in England as she was born and bred in London. She wanted nothing else in her life but to become a Nun; Jesus’s Bride. Her father would not hear of that and he considered it a taboo to have his Ada ( Ada means First Daughter In Igbo Language) become a nun and deprive him of grandchildren.
Bisi is the 3rd child of 5 children born by a Yoruba Princess. Her father, Maigari Odumegwu married a Yoruba princess in his quest to strengthen and establish his business empire in all the regions of Nigeria. Her four male siblings are all married and heading various companies owned by their father as well as establishing their own business Territories.
Adaeze Bisi Odumegwu married Ola Ajala, the son of one of her father’s Gardeners. Chief Odumegwu found Ola worthy of his daughter due to his intelligence and willingness to succeed. Despite Chief Odumegwu’s wealth he is never the man to look down on any human being.

Ola grew up under the watchful eyes of Chief Odumegwu who sponsored Ola’s Education and upon Bisi’s return from England one Holiday, he had Ola and Bisi married in a wedding that is still the talk of the country, 6 years and counting.
After the marriage, Ola was handed The mantle of leadership to the Oil servicing company owned by Chief Odumegwu and that was how Ola became the Rich Dude that he is.
I listened to Madam Eka narrate the story of Ola and Bisi to me, as tears streamed down my eyes. I was overwhelmed with guilt and shame. The shame that I felt stuck to my skin and felt more nauseating that the strips of dried spittle and mucus that used the walls of the police cell as a canvas of their putrid Art.
As Madam Eka, the female police officer led me back to my cell, I wondered what would become of my life, if the news got to my work that I am being locked up for blackmail and defamation of character. I had become near addicted to marijuana. I dragged the wrap of Marijuana like it offended me, it fought back by hitting my throat and I coughed out in pain and agony.
I had spent a week in the cell and I was due for return to my office in four days and I didn’t know what would become of me.
A sharp kick woke me up from a nightmare of huge Penises growing all over my face. A cell mate yelled at me to wake up and go answer the senior officer. As I was escorted out of the cell to the Senior officer’s Office, I saw Adaeze Bisi Odumegwu Ajala sitting on the chair in his office.
I froze.
To be continued…