Stacey Abrams is arguably the future of the Democratic Party in the United States. It is believed that Oprah Winfrey and former President Jimmy Carter could be key to her winning Tuesday’s election. If she does she will be the first black female governor in American history.
Stacey believes that her charm, blatant open-mindedness and roots could be a source of motivation to voters of African origin, freethinking whites and other whites around to help her win the elections. It actually looks farfetched right for a State that has not elected a Democrat for over 20 years.

In the next few days the Balancing Act will be on display. First Oprah Winfrey will be joining Abrams in a campaign on Thursday. The campaign will be held in a Republican-leaning suburb with a strong Democratic hold. This is just perfect for a woman who built her empire with a cross-section of followers. The next day will see Abrams run another campaign with former president Barack Obama at the Morehouse College which is historically black.

Abrams in her campaign statement is proposing to focus on expansion of Medicaid and improvement of public education. She is looking at every sect, including the rural white electorate who were previously neglected by the Democrats in their previous campaigns.

Rev. Carolyn Abrams said in an interview, “The South really is changing, Black candidates, especially black women, are being taken seriously.”
Polls are showing that the elections will be a tight race between Stacey Abrams, a former legislative leader on State level, and her opponent Brian Kemp, who is the current Secretary of State. It has been recorded that though the Republicans control the State politics their power is beginning to wane in recent times.
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