Kenya Moore has rocked the internet with her latest pictures. Just three months ago she and her husband, Marc Daly, welcomed their baby girl, Brooklyn Doris Daly. We all know Kenya Moore has a rocking body, but her post-baby pictures have caused a major stir on social media.
The 47-year-old recently posted a picture online and it seems like she never went through a birthing process. According to her, she hasn’t been able to work out after giving birth, by the way, she had a C-Section. She is thankful that she is finally getting her groove back and she has no intentions of rushing her body back to full shape.
Ain’t no shame in Kenya Moore’s snapback game! The new mama captioned the photo “#47yearoldsnapback”. We see you! (?: Kenya Moore)
— MadameNoire (@MadameNoire) November 27, 2018
Her C-Section took almost three hours and reports have it that she is still recovering.