One25 is a charity organization which helps with inspiring and taking care of women involved in street sex work, homelessness, and addiction among other issues. The charity received the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle recently and she had some encouraging messages for the women benefitting from the charity.

Rather than dropping her inspirational notes for the women on paper, Markle decided to employ the approach of a US school cafeteria worker, she wrote her messages on bananas. She did this while putting together packages for the women. She recounted how she had been inspired by the cafeteria worker who had written to kids on bananas, which she saw as a most inspiring idea.
On each of the bananas, she wrote an inspiring message which she ended by drawing a heart. The CEO of One25 said she was indeed touched by the gesture and she was stunned at how Markle listened to all they cared about with astute attention.
The food packages are billed to be delivered to about a hundred and fifty women across Bristol by one of One25’s yellow buses. Each package contains food items, blankets, condoms, first aid, alarms, etc. It is expected that Markle’s visit will help raise awareness about the women’s plights and inspire others to contribute to supporting the cause of One25.