A three-day long show about drums was recently held at the 10,000 sitting amphitheater in Ogun state, Nigeria. The show an initiative of the Ogun state government was tagged “African drums festival” this show brings together several African cultural drums, celebrating the rich heritage embedded in the African drums. Bringing to Africa another front for unity.
At the event was the literary giant Wole Soyinka, a partner for the programs and also an indigene of Ogun state. Other appearances at the event were iconic drummers from all over Africa; Kenya, Congo, Senegal, Tunisia, Zimbabwe and many more.
Drums are a major part of celebrations in Africa. Every ceremony has its peculiar drum style from naming ceremonies to funerals. For Africans drum is not just a musical instrument but also a very important cultural symbol used in communicating different happenings. For instance, the talking drum has been known to be used as a means of communication in ancient times and sometimes through long distance. It is also used for summoning ancestral spirits and used during religious rites and rituals.
The Tama and Tarran bat drums of the Wolof tribe in the Senegambia region are used to tell stories.
Drums in ancient times were used to announce and assemble people for war. In some culture in Africa, it is a symbol of authority. For instance, a prince can never lay claim to kingship in the Bayankore tribe of Uganda.
This rich cultural heritage embedded in the African drums is what has brought about the celebration of the African drums festival. This event is noted as one of the most revolutionary cultural events in Africa right now.