Charles and Rosa Johnson, parents of the high school wrestler who was forced to cut his dreads by a racist referee has spoken for the first time since the episode.
The referee was seen to impose that Andrew Johnson cut his dreadlocks before he will be allowed to fight. The match will be forfeit if he chose not even after he had covered his hair. It was all or nothing Alan Maloney, the referee wanted.

The incidence which was caught on camera went viral and the parents are really touched by the show of solidarity to their son, reported Fox 5, New Jersey.
The referee who has been banned from overseeing matches till there is a conclusion on the matter has been since under investigation. The Johnson’s lawyer, Dominic Speziali, said that there appears to be more as more information is coming to the open. The white ref also was not there during the weigh-in and even after evaluation, did not raise any issues before the match.

Although young Johnson, would later cut his hair rather than forfeit the match, he did it without influence from his coaches and trainer, fox 5 NJ, said.
The rules dictate, that if the hair is longer that the rule allows, the wrestler has to tuck it in, in such a way that the hair cover is attached to his ear guards, says the rulebook.
A spokesperson from the New Jersey Attorney General’s office has made it clear that the civil rights division is looking into the matter and have opened an investigation to that effect.
The young wrestler’s parents, however, have revealed that they await on the decision of the civil rights investigation.
See also:
Racist Ref who forced Black Wrestler to shave locks before match is suspended and under investigation
Prada stops production of offensive items after facing racist outrage
The increasing and lopsided incarceration of Black Women in America