Charisma Jamison and Cole Sydnor, who document their relationship on their YouTube channel, married in November after nearly three years together.
Hundreds of thousands of fans know Cole Sydnor and Charisma Jamison from their YouTube channel, “Roll with Cole & Charisma.” When the couple celebrated their wedding in a beautiful, private ceremony in early November, that audience only grew. Now, the wedding photos have gone viral.
“I think the photos really showed the raw emotion and captured the very special moments (of the wedding),” Jamison told TODAY. “To have pictures that actually captured the true love and the emotions from that moment was awesome for us and for everyone else.”
Sydnor, who broke his neck during an accident in 2011 and was rendered a quadriplegic, said the celebration was “perfect.” The couple’s wedding video, shared on their YouTube channel, has also gotten a great response: It’s one of their most popular videos, garnering nearly a million views.
Sydnor and Jamison first met three years ago in what he calls a “very millennial meeting story.”
“We met at a hospital where I would go in to work out. I was doing a community-based program, and Charisma worked with patients. Even though we were in the same space, I was never her patient. I always make sure to tell anyone we didn’t break any laws!” Sydnor joked. “My therapist knew that I was single and looking to mingle, and that Charisma was as well.”
After the therapist connected the two and they met at a charity gala to support the hospital, the relationship took to social media.
She followed me on Instagram and I was like, ‘Oh, maybe she has some interest,’ and I followed her back,” Sydnor explained. “We went back and forth and then I slid into the DMs. The rest is history.”